Sunday, May 3, 2009

May Assignment

May’s subjects are self portraits and reflections. Please attempt to get creative and surprise us with your results.


  1. I am really looking forward to doing this. But I dont want to be the first one to do it, I am wondering what is meant by "reflections" I think I need to do some reflecting to know what my reflections are.... I think this is such a great idea for a blog!

  2. What a fun idea....thanks for doing this!

  3. Reflections means anything you want it to mean. I saw a dear wadeing in a pond last year and the light was perfect. The problem was I was on a busy road. By the time I got turned around, hunting season had come and gone and the dear was jerky.

  4. Obviously, I need to check my spelling and grammar more often...

  5. Cool stuff. I can't say I will be able to think of anything this creative!! But I will enjoy looking at them and thinking about things....which is all I ever seem to do-think about doing stuff. Cool pictures! Love Shirley


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